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Next Step: Divorce | DuPage County Divorce Lawyer

 Posted on March 08, 2013 in Divorce

DuPage County Divorce LawyerThe question of "What makes a marriage end?" can be confusing. Huffington Post asked via Facebook and Twitter, and found mixed answers to give us all an idea of divorce causes.

Love is something you do – if you want it you must show it. However, people can easily get wrapped up in themselves and selfishness can rule hearts. Whether it be adultery, not putting your spouse first, letting hard times bring out the worst in you, losing trust and respect or just lying about who they are, selfishness can truly destroy a marriage. At that point, even after trying hard, couples do realize that parting ways just might be the best thing for both people.

It can easily feel like you have to get married – women are often told that marriage is their key identifier, and men feel like it is what they're expected to do. People can feel like if they do not marry, they are not a whole person. These points do not encourage a healthy, purposeful relationship, rather a duty that can easily fail, instead of a wise choice for a lifetime. It can put people together who are not meant to be together.

Then there are qualities that make it hard. From not being able to handle a monogamous relationship, to allowing time to change people at a different pace, loss of hope, and lack of sex, to name a few. There are many "lacks" that occur: a lack of communication, a lack of encouragement, and a lack of love. People can claim to be one thing and end up being something else. They forget the true meaning of love and defend rather than cooperate.

If you find your marriage is at its wits end and you have tried it all, contact a DuPage County divorce attorney, who will be able to support you in the throughout the process.

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