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Kathryn L. Harry & Associates, P.C.
678-208-9200Available 24/7

Concealed Carry Weapons in Illinois: Understanding Your Rights

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Concealed Carry Law

concealed-carry-illinoisIllinois is well-known for some of the strictest gun-control regimes in the country. Being the last state in the U.S. to enact concealed carry laws created a fear of widespread weapon proliferation and increased street violence. Officials issued nearly 100,000 permits in 2014, after a thorough investigation of applicants’ histories and fingerprint scans. Though critics question the correlation between concealed carry rights and decreasing violent crime rates in Illinois, the latter has been proven true in 2014. Whether coincidence or not, crime rates are dropping throughout Illinois.

Concealed Carry Permits

One reason to question the connection between concealed carry rights and lower crime rates is due to the fact that many criminals do not lawfully possess their weapons in the first place. One Illinois police sergeant pointed out that “[w]hen you’re talking concealed-carry, it’s mostly your law-abiding citizens, who don’t cause problems anyway.” Thus, many of the weapons involved in investigated crimes are either borrowed, stolen, or from a black market, making tracking the ownership of the weapon difficult if not impossible.

The punishments for carrying a weapon without legal authority, or merely possessing without the proper licenses, can be extremely severe. In Illinois, convicted felons are not permitted to own weapons, and possession of guns is often a violation of parole, which can have its own associated penalties. Possession of a weapon during the commission of a crime, whether it is actually used or not, may escalate the offense from a misdemeanor to a felony, or from a relatively short jail sentence to a long prison term. Prior convictions, age, or narcotics addiction may also increase penalties for possession in Illinois.

Before a person can even apply for a concealed carry permit, they must first lawfully own a gun in the state of Illinois. This is accomplished through the completion of a Firearm Owner’s Identification Card application. This relatively simple application asks for demographic information, criminal history, mental illness history, disability information, and other personal information to determine your fitness to carry a weapon under Illinois law. After being granted this license and legally purchasing and possessing a firearm registered to you, you can then proceed with applying for an Illinois Concealed Carry License.

Illinois Weapons Defense Lawyers

Unlawfully possessing a weapon is a serious offense in Illinois that can carry significant incarceration time upon conviction. Understanding what your rights are as a gun owner, a former criminal, or someone who may have lost a gun license for whatever reason is critical to ensure you are in compliance with the law in the future. Our knowledgeable DuPage County criminal weapons defense attorneys at Kathryn L. Harry & Associates, P.C. understand how complicated gun rights in Illinois can be. We will confidentially talk through your past with you to help you understand your legal rights when it comes to gun ownership in Illinois. If you or someone you know has been charged with a weapons offense crime, we have the experience necessary to navigate the criminal justice system to work with attorneys and police agencies to ensure the best possible outcome for your unique situation. Contact us at our Oak Brook or Naperville offices at 630-472-9700 to learn more about your rights today.

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