Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer in DuPage County
Oak Brook, IL Marriage Law Attorney Assisting with Premarital Agreements
When a couple intends to marry, setting up a prenuptial agreement is a practical measure that helps avoid misunderstandings that could later lead to marital problems. A premarital agreement can often be to a couple's advantage, as each party knows what assets they can keep in the event of a divorce.
What is a Prenuptial Agreement?
A prenuptial agreement determines how assets, debts, finances and property will be managed during a marriage. Partners often bring to the marriage different financial circumstances. One could have substantial assets or debts, which could become a concern later in the marriage.
While commonly used to settle financial matters, prenuptial agreements also can establish how the couple will deal with prior commitments and obligations, such as children from previous marriages and ex-spouses. In addition, a prenuptial agreement can address issues regarding careers, lifestyles and locations of residence.
In the event of separation, divorce or death, a prenuptial agreement takes precedence over state laws governing divorce, marital property and probate in defining how assets will be divided among the spouse, children and other family members. Properly drafted prenuptial agreements are recognized as valid legal documents and upheld in all states as well as the District of Columbia.
What is a Postnuptial Agreement?
A postnuptial agreement is a voluntary contract entered into by a couple after marriage when circumstances change, such as an inheritance, a career change, investment fluctuations or a business sale, or when marital strife results in disagreements regarding assets, debts, finances, responsibilities, future plans or children. Drafting a postnuptial agreement sometimes restores equilibrium to a marriage that is experiencing difficulty.
While not all states recognize postnuptial agreements as valid legal documents, Illinois upholds postnuptial agreements drafted in accordance with the law. Full disclosure of assets, voluntary participation in the agreement and fairness are some aspects the court will look for in determining the validity of a postnuptial agreement.
Contact a Clarendon Hills Premarital Agreement Attorney
Planning a wedding can be a huge commitment. If you have any questions about constructing a premarital agreement, it is best to consult a DuPage County marriage law attorney to craft a good premarital agreement. At Kathryn L. Harry & Associates, P.C., we will tailor your prenuptial or postnuptial agreement to serve your needs and ensure its enforceability in a court of law. To arrange a consultation to discuss prenuptial or postnuptial agreement preparation, please call our office at 630-472-9700 for a free initial consultation.